How's your day?
Create a program that checks what kind of day you or your friends have had and shows a response based on your choice.
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What you will learn
- create a function
- using variables
- create output based on input
- create a display
Curriculum alignment for this project
Use this guide to see how Code Club delivers on the NDTC.
Years 3-4
By the end of Year 4 students create simple digital solutions and use provided design criteria to check if solutions meet user needs. Students process and represent data for different purposes. They follow and describe simple algorithms involving branching and iteration and implement them as visual programs. Students securely access and use digital systems and their peripherals for a range of purposes, including transmitting data. They use the core features of common digital tools to plan, create, locate and share content, and to collaborate, following agreed behaviours. Students identify their personal data stored online and recognise the risks.
- AC9TDI4K01 Meets
Explore and describe a range of digital systems and their peripherals for a variety of purposes
- AC9TDI4K02 Partially meets
Explore transmitting different types of data between digital systems
- AC9TDI4K03 Does not meet
Recognise different types of data and explore how the same data can be represented differently depending on the purpose
- AC9TDI4P01 Meets
Define problems with given design criteria and by co-creating user stories
- AC9TDI4P02 Meets
Follow and describe algorithms involving sequencing, comparison operators (branching) and iteration
- AC9TDI4P03 Meets
Generate, communicate and compare designs
- AC9TDI4P04 Meets
Implement simple algorithms as visual programs involving control structures and input
- AC9TDI4P05 Meets
Discuss how existing and student solutions satisfy the design criteria and user stories
- AC9TDI4P06 Meets
Use the core features of common digital tools to create, locate and communicate content, following agreed conventions
- AC9TDI4P07 Partially meets
Use the core features of common digital tools to share content, plan tasks, and collaborate, following agreed behaviours, supported by trusted adults
- AC9TDI4P08 Meets
Access their school account using a memorised password and explain why it should be easy to remember, but hard for others to guess
- AC9TDI4P09 Partially meets
Identify what personal data is stored and shared in their online accounts and discuss any associated risks
Years 5-6
By the end of Year 6 students develop and modify digital solutions, and define problems and evaluate solutions using user stories and design criteria. They process data and show how digital systems represent data. Students design algorithms involving complex branching and iteration and implement them as visual programs including variables. They securely access and use multiple digital systems and describe their components and how they interact to process and transmit data. Students select and use appropriate digital tools effectively to plan, create, locate and share content, and to collaborate, applying agreed conventions and behaviours. They identify their digital footprint and recognise its permanence.
- AC9TDI6K01 Partially meets
Investigate the main internal components of common digital systems and their function
- AC9TDI6K02 Partially meets
Examine how digital systems form networks to transmit data
- AC9TDI6K03 Does not meet
Explain how digital systems represent all data using numbers
- AC9TDI6K04 Does not meet
Explore how data can be represented by off and on states (zeros and ones in binary)
- AC9TDI6P01 Meets
Define problems with given or co‑developed design criteria and by creating user stories
- AC9TDI6P02 Meets
Design algorithms involving multiple alternatives (branching) and iteration
- AC9TDI6P03 Meets
Design a user interface for a digital system
- AC9TDI6P04 Meets
Generate, modify, communicate and evaluate designs
- AC9TDI6P05 Meets
Implement algorithms as visual programs involving control structures, variables and input
- AC9TDI6P06 Meets
Evaluate existing and student solutions against the design criteria and user stories and their broader community impact
- AC9TDI6P07 Meets
Select and use appropriate digital tools effectively to create, locate and communicate content, applying common conventions
- AC9TDI6P08 Partially meets
Select and use appropriate digital tools effectively to share content online, plan tasks and collaborate on projects, demonstrating agreed behaviours
- AC9TDI6P09 Meets
Access multiple personal accounts using unique passphrases and explain the risks of password re-use
- AC9TDI6P010 Partially meets
Explain the creation and permanence of their digital footprint and consider privacy when collecting user data
download printable version of the Version 9 curriculum.