
Fun, step-by-step guides for young learners to create animations, games, websites and much more. Sort by topic or for each language, by learning paths. Learning paths are a collection of projects that progressively build coding skills to enable young learners to become independent digital makers.


Space talk

Space Talk

Learn how to give sprites an 'emote' to communicate

Fish food

Fish Food

Train a machine learning model to recognise voice commands ‘up’, ‘down’, ‘left’, and ‘right’, and use them to control a fish in a fun game.


Astronaut Reaction Game

Do you have the fast reactions needed to be an astronaut? Create this game to find out!

See all Scratch projects


Happy birthday

Happy Birthday

Learn how to make a customised birthday card.


Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Use your coding skills to create a solution that can clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Build a robot

Build a Robot

Learn how to position images to design your own robot.

See all HTML and CSS projects


Modern art

Modern Art

Code your own computer generated modern art.

Hello World

Hello World

Write an interactive Python project that uses emoji

Charting champions

Charting Champions

Discover the power of lists in Python by creating an interactive chart of Olympic medals.

See all Python projects


Interactive badge

Interactive Badge

Make a badge that shows your mood.


Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Use your coding skills to create a solution that can clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Music player

Music Player

In this project, you are going to make a music player that lets you choose different tunes to suit your mood.

See all micro:bit projects


Rainbow run

Rainbow Run

Create a track for a ball to roll along, adding obstacles and a goal for the ball to reach.

Explore 3 D world

Explore a 3D world

Create a 3D world in Unity and explore it with an animated 3D character.

Disco dance floor

Disco Dance Floor

Create a tiled disco dance floor that a mirror ball will roll over to create colour and play sounds.

See all Unity projects

Raspberry Pi

Octa pi brute force

OctaPi : Brute-force Enigma

Find out how to launch a brute-force crypt attack on Enigma

LLM for RP

Run a LLM on your Raspberry Pi

Transform your Raspberry Pi into a powerful AI assistant.

Ai rasp

Run an AI image generator on your Raspberry Pi

Create amazing images of anything you can imagine with your Raspberry Pi.

See all Raspberry Pi projects

Sense HAT

Countdown timer

Countdown Timer

Display a countdown timer on a Sense HAT.

Weather logger

Weather Logger

Log data from the sensors and then display it as a line graph.

Wheres the treasure

Where's the Treasure?

Remember where the coin is hidden.

See all Sense HAT projects

Sonic Pi

Live dj

Live DJ

Learn how to code a live music performance.

Compose tune

Your own tune

Use Sonic Pi to create a cool doorbell chime.

Musical round

Musical Round

Experiment with synths to create a musical round.

See all Sonic Pi projects


Party monkey

Party Monkey

Create a 3D model of a monkey in a party hat.

Tree of cubes

Tree of Cubes

Learn how to resize objects by creating a simple tree of cubes.



Build a 3D model of a snowman using blender.

See all Blender projects



Cow-culate the methane

Help the cow choose a more sustainable lunch.


Sweeten the Crop

Can you grow the perfect sugarcane crop?


Tree Life Simulator

Create a simulation that shows the impact of deforestation

See all Agriculture projects


Fish food

Fish Food

Train a machine learning model to recognise voice commands ‘up’, ‘down’, ‘left’, and ‘right’, and use them to control a fish in a fun game.



Create a game to stop cats from falling into holes!


Green Goals

Program an animation and learn about the SDGs

See all Animals projects

Art & Design

Modern art

Modern Art

Code your own computer generated modern art.

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday

Learn how to make a customised birthday card.

Build a robot

Build a Robot

Learn how to position images to design your own robot.

See all Art & Design projects

Books & Stories

About me

About Me

Create pictures out of text to introduce yourself.

Tell a story

Tell a Story

Create a webpage to tell a joke, story, or poem.

Catch the bus

Catch the Bus

Learn how to create your own animation

See all Books & Stories projects

Code of Origin - Australia


Kick off!

Create the State of Origin as a coding project.


NSW Hide and Seek

Create a hide and seek game that explores unique places throughout New South Wales.


QLD Hide and Seek

Create a hide and seek game that explores unique places throughout Queensland.

See all Code of Origin - Australia projects


Octa pi brute force

OctaPi : Brute-force Enigma

Find out how to launch a brute-force crypt attack on Enigma



Analyse a frequency graph to crack the code, while learning about lists and functions

Mystery letter

Mystery letter

Create a mystery letter with lots of different styles.

See all Cybersecurity projects


Rainbow run

Rainbow Run

Create a track for a ball to roll along, adding obstacles and a goal for the ball to reach.

Countdown timer

Countdown Timer

Display a countdown timer on a Sense HAT.

Rock band

Rock Band

Learn how to code your own musical instruments

See all Games projects




Create a game to stop cats from falling into holes!

Party monkey

Party Monkey

Create a 3D model of a monkey in a party hat.

Tell a story

Tell a Story

Create a webpage to tell a joke, story, or poem.

See all Jokes projects



Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Use your coding skills to create a solution that can clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch


In Deep Water

Create a maze game and help slow down the rising sea waters.


Sweeten the Crop

Can you grow the perfect sugarcane crop?

See all Moonhack projects


Live dj

Live DJ

Learn how to code a live music performance.

Rock band

Rock Band

Learn how to code your own musical instruments

Music player

Music Player

In this project, you are going to make a music player that lets you choose different tunes to suit your mood.

See all Music projects

Physical Computing

Interactive badge

Interactive Badge

Make a badge that shows your mood.

Countdown timer

Countdown Timer

Display a countdown timer on a Sense HAT.

Charting champions

Charting Champions

Discover the power of lists in Python by creating an interactive chart of Olympic medals.

See all Physical Computing projects


Build a robot

Build a Robot

Learn how to position images to design your own robot.


Talking Rubbish

Create a device to track the types of rubbish placed in your bin.

Chat bot


Learn how to program your own talking robot.

See all Robotics projects

Seasonal projects

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday

Learn how to make a customised birthday card.

Jazzy jumpers

Jazzy Jumpers

Create a memory game involving Jazzy Jumpers.



Build a 3D model of a snowman using blender.

See all Seasonal projects projects


Space talk

Space Talk

Learn how to give sprites an 'emote' to communicate


Astronaut Reaction Game

Do you have the fast reactions needed to be an astronaut? Create this game to find out!

Alien project

Alien Project

Train your computer to understand an alien language.

See all Space projects



Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Use your coding skills to create a solution that can clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch


Green Goals

Program an animation and learn about the SDGs


In Deep Water

Create a maze game and help slow down the rising sea waters.

See all Sustainability projects


Weather logger

Weather Logger

Log data from the sensors and then display it as a line graph.



Build a 3D model of a snowman using blender.


Electricity Generation

Create a data visualisation and input data to compare resources

See all Weather projects


Interactive badge

Interactive Badge

Make a badge that shows your mood.

Music player

Music Player

In this project, you are going to make a music player that lets you choose different tunes to suit your mood.

Sound level meter

Sound level meter

In this project, you will make a sound level meter that will use the micro:bit to display how noisy the environment is.

See all Wellbeing projects