More HTML & CSS: Learning Path
More web moves beyond the basics introduced in Introduction to Web. Modern web design has turned websites from static and boring walls of information into ways of providing fun and engaging experiences to a user. Take users on a journey and transport them to somewhere completely new!
6 projects
Welcome to Antarctica

In this project use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a website that lets people discover a place they may never get a chance to visit - Antarctica. This is project 1 of 6 in the More Web path

Comic Character

In this project, you will combine JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to create an interactive website where the user can design their own superhero character!

Animated Story

In this project, you will use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create an interactive story with animated text and characters that are triggered when the user scrolls. This is project 3 of 6 in the More Web path.

Pick your favourite

In this project, you will create a fan website that lets a user make choices that change the content of the webpage! This is project 4 of 6 in the More Web path.

Quiz time!

In this project, you will create a web app that lets the user show what they know about a topic of your choosing! This is project 5 of 6 in the More Web path.