Happy holidays! Thank you for an amazing year.

Back to micro:bit

Introduction to Micro:Bit: Learning Path

In this introduction to coding for the micro:bit, you will learn how to sense and respond to the world around you while looking after yourself.

6 projects

Music Player

Music player

Do you listen to music on Spotify, Apple music, Alexa, or any other app? What if you could do the same on your micro:bit by creating your own music app?

Music player

Sound level meter

Sound level meter

Do you sometimes get tired of our noisy lives and just want a bit of quiet time? 🤫 In this project, you will make a sound level meter that will use the micro:bit to display how noisy the environment is.

Sound level meter

Sleep Tracker

Sleep tracker

Have you ever wondered how many times you turn over while you sleep? In this project, you are going to make a sleep tracker that will display how rested you are. You can run the program on your micro:bit when it is placed under your pillow, so it can track your sleep movements.

Sleep tracker

How's your day?

Hows your day

Create a program that checks what kind of day you or your friends have had and shows a response based on your choice.

Hows your day

Active Assistant

Active assistant

Create a program that helps you get active in whichever way you like most!

Active assistant

Party Game


Create a party game that you can play with your friends to have fun!

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