Intro to Scratch

Introduction to Scratch: Learning Path

6 projects

In this introduction to coding in Scratch for beginners, you will learn how to add code, costumes, and sounds to sprites as you make animations, a game, an app, and a book.

More Scratch

More Scratch - Learning Path

6 projects

More Scratch moves beyond the basics introduced in Introduction to Scratch. You will make apps, games, and simulations using message broadcasting, if...then and if...then...else decisions and variables.

Further Scratch

Further Scratch - Learning Path

6 projects

Further Scratch moves beyond the skills introduced in Introduction to Scratch and More Scratch. You will make apps, games, computer-generated art, and simulations using boolean logic, functions, clones, and more.

Machine learning wit scratch

Machine Learning - Scratch

6 projects

This series of 6 projects can be done in any order. They explore AI (artificial intelligence) integrated with Scratch coding.

AI toolkit

AI Toolkit

10 projects

The AI toolkit introduces various artificial intelligence applications and technologies through hands-on projects using different platforms and tools. You will work with voice and facial recognition, and other AI technologies, gaining an understanding of how AI can be applied to different contexts.

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Moonhack 2022

6 projects

A collection of projects from the Moonhack 2022 coding challenge. These projects use Scratch, Python, and micro:bit.

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Moonhack 2023

7 projects

A collection of projects from the Moonhack 2023 coding challenge. These projects use Scratch, Python, and micro:bit, and also include a design brief - choose your own coding platform to create your own solution! You will also find the winning Moonhack entry from 2023, created by Kaitlyn.

Protect the Planet

Protect the Planet: Project Collection

6 projects

A collection of Scratch projects that all have the same focus, protecting our planet.

Module 1 scratch

Project Collection Module 1

6 projects

Learn how to program your own stories, animations, and games.


Wellbeing: Project Collection

6 projects

A collection of Scratch projects with a focus on wellbeing. Explore how coding can help!

Module 2 scratch

Project Collection Module 2

6 projects

Learn how to program your own interactive stories, games, and animations.

Module 3 scratch

Project Collection Module 3

6 projects

Learn how to program your own interactive stories, games, and animations.

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