Welcome to a new year of Code Club!


Cow-culate the methane

Help the cow choose a more sustainable lunch.


Sweeten the Crop

Can you grow the perfect sugarcane crop?


Tree Life Simulator

Create a simulation that shows the impact of deforestation

01 Start Screen

Bless your cotton socks!

Grow and harvest enough cotton on your farm!


Make it rain!

The drought is ending on the farm! Help them collect the water!


Getting cereal about coding!

Make your own wheat harvest simulation

Fowl weather

Fowl Weather

Help the duck to swim during a rain storm.


Do Ewe Even Code?

Can you help the dog herd the sheep into the pen?


Virtual Fences

Did you know that farmers are trialing virtual fences with their cattle? In this project become a farmer and create a virtual fence to train your cattle.

01 Main Screen


Help this bee pollinate the flowers!

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