Turtley Amazing
In this resource you will take your first steps with the programming language Python to draw shapes, patterns, and spirals.
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What you will learn
- To take your first steps with the Python programming language
- Draw lines with Python Turtle, make turns and change the pen colour
- Use loops to repeat some instructions and create shapes
- Use more loops to create spiral patterns
What you will need
- An internet connected computer
Curriculum alignment for this project
Use this guide to see how Code Club delivers on the NDTC.
Years F-2
- ACTDIK001 Meets
Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose
- ACTDIK002 Meets
Recognise and explore patterns in data and represent data as pictures, symbols and diagrams
- ACTDIP003 Meets
Collect, explore and sort data, and use digital systems to present the data creatively
- ACTDIP004 Meets
Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems
- ACTDIP005 Meets
Explore how people safely use common information systems to meet information, communication and recreation needs
- ACTDIP006 Partially meets
Create and organise ideas and information using information systems independently and with others, and share these with known people in safe online environments
Years 3-4
- ACTDIK007 Meets
Identify and explore a range of digital systems with peripheral devices for different purposes, and transmit different types of data
- ACTDIK008 Meets
Recognise different types of data and explore how the same data can be represented in different ways
- ACTDIP009 Meets
Collect, access and present different types of data using simple software to create information and solve problems
- ACTDIP010 Meets
Define simple problems, and describe and follow a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve them
- ACTDIP011 Meets
Implement simple digital solutions as visual programs with algorithms involving branching (decisions) and user input
- ACTDIP012 Partially meets
Explain how student solutions and existing information systems meet common personal, school or community needs
- ACTDIP013 Partially meets
Plan, create and communicate ideas and information independently and with others, applying agreed ethical and social protocols
Years 5-6
- ACTDIK014 Partially meets
Examine the main components of common digital systems and how they may connect together to form networks to transmit data
- ACTDIK015 Meets
Examine how whole numbers are used to represent all data in digital systems
- ACTDIP016 Meets
Acquire, store and validate different types of data, and use a range of software to interpret and visualise data to create information
- ACTDIP017 Meets
Define problems in terms of data and functional requirements drawing on previously solved problems
- ACTDIP018 Does not meet
Design a user interface for a digital system
- ACTDIP019 Meets
Design, modify and follow simple algorithms involving sequences of steps, branching, and iteration (repitition)
- ACTDIP020 Meets
Implement digital solutions as simple visual programs involving branching, iteration (repitition)
- ACTDIP021 Does not meet
Explain how student solutions and existing information systems are sustainable and meet current and future local community needs
- ACTDIP022 Does not meet
Plan, create and communicate ideas and information, including collaboratively online, applying agreed ethical, social and technical protocols
Years 7-8
- ACTDIK023 Does not meet
Investigate how data is transmitted and secured in wired, wireless and mobile networks, and how the specifications affect performance
- ACTDIK024 Does not meet
Investigate how digital systems represent text, image and audio data in binary
- ACTDIP025 Partially meets
Acquire data from a range of sources and evaluate authenticity, accuracy and timeliness
- ACTDIP026 Partially meets
Analyse and visualise data using a range of software to create information, and use structured data to model objects or events
- ACTDIP027 Does not meet
Define and decompose realworld problems taking into account functional requirements and economic, environmental, social, technical and usability constraints
- ACTDIP028 Does not meet
Design the user experience of a digital system, generating, evaluating and communicating alternative designs
- ACTDIP029 Meets
Design algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English, and trace algorithms to predict output for a given input and to identify errors
- ACTDIP030 Partially meets
Implement and modify programs with user interfaces involving branching, iteration and functions in a generalpurpose programming language
- ACTDIP031 Does not meet
Evaluate how student solutions and existing information systems meet needs, are innovative, and take account of future risks and sustainability
- ACTDIP032 Does not meet
Plan and manage projects that create and communicate ideas and information collaboratively online, taking safety and social contexts into account
Years 9-10
- ACTDIK034 Does not meet
Investigate the role of hardware and software in managing, controlling and securing the movement of and access to data in networked digital systems
- ACTDIK035 Does not meet
Analyse simple compression of data and how content data are separated from presentation
- ACTDIP036 Does not meet
Develop techniques for acquiring, storing and validating quantitative and qualitative data from a range of sources, considering privacy and security requirements
- ACTDIP037 Partially meets
Analyse and visualise data to create information and address complex problems, and model processes, entities and their relationships using structured data
- ACTDIP038 Does not meet
Define and decompose realworld problems precisely, taking into account functional and non-functional requirements and including interviewing stakeholders to identify needs
- ACTDIP039 Does not meet
Design the user experience of a digital system by evaluating alternative designs against criteria including functionality, accessibility, usability, and aesthetics
- ACTDIP040 Meets
Design algorithms represented diagrammatically and in structured English and validate algorithms and programs through tracing and test cases
- ACTDIP041 Meets
Implement modular programs, applying selected algorithms and data structures including using an object-oriented programming language
- ACTDIP042 Meets
Evaluate critically how student solutions and existing information systems and policies, take account of future risks and sustainability and provide opportunities for innovation and enterprise
- ACTDIP043 Meets
Create interactive solutions for sharing ideas and information online, taking into account safety, social contexts and legal responsibilities
- ACTDIP044 Meets
Plan and manage projects using an iterative and collaborative approach, identifying risks and considering safety and sustainability
download printable version of the Version 8.4 curriculum.