Welcome to a new year of Code Club!

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Physical Computing

Interactive badge

Interactive Badge

Make a badge that shows your mood.

Charting champions

Charting Champions

Discover the power of lists in Python by creating an interactive chart of Olympic medals.

Music player

Music Player

In this project, you are going to make a music player that lets you choose different tunes to suit your mood.


Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Use your coding skills to create a solution that can clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Countdown timer

Countdown Timer

Display a countdown timer on a Sense HAT.



Guide a wand along a course without making contact.

Weather logger

Weather Logger

Log data from the sensors and then display it as a line graph.

Sound level meter

Sound level meter

In this project, you will make a sound level meter that will use the micro:bit to display how noisy the environment is.

Octa pi brute force

OctaPi : Brute-force Enigma

Find out how to launch a brute-force crypt attack on Enigma

Dance detector

Dance Detector

Train a computer to help you perfect a dance move!

Sleep tracker

Sleep Tracker

In this project, you are going to make a sleep tracker that will display how rested you are.

Wheres the treasure

Where's the Treasure?

Remember where the coin is hidden.

Fortune teller

Fortune Teller

User your micro:bit to read the future!

Against the clock

Against the Clock

Make a timer and use it to challenge your friends.



Tilt your Sense HAT to guide a character along a path.

Hows your day

How's your day?

Create a program that checks what kind of day you or your friends have had and shows a response based on your choice.


Talking Rubbish

Create a device to track the types of rubbish placed in your bin.

Rate your mates

Rate your Mates

User your micro:bit to find your compatability with friends!

Active assistant

Active Assistant

Create a program that helps you get active in whichever way you like most!

Compass maze

Compass Maze

Use the Sense HAT as a compass and navigate a maze.


Party Game

Create a party game that you can play with your friends to have fun!

Rainbow predictor

Rainbow Predictor

Display a rainbow when the conditions are met.



Make a game to see who has the fastest reactions.

Microbit projects


Create a twinkling constellation using Micro:Bits

Bush regeneration assets

Fire Danger Warning Sign

Create your own warning sign to prepare for bushfire season.

Story time

Story Time

Create interactive fairy tales and other stories with Python.


Silly Reminder

Use a Micro:Bit to remind you to make time to be silly, have fun, and strike a pose!


Hobby Selector

Do you ever find yourself wondering what activity to do next? You can use the micro:bit to help you decide!

Getting started with raspberry pi

Getting Started

Set up your Raspberry Pi and explore what it can do.

Microbit moisture

Moisture Sensor

Create a sensor using to keep your plants watered.

Microbit projects 2

Save the Trees

Use Micro:Bits to alert rangers when trees fall in a forest.

Getting started with minecraft pi

Minecraft Pi

Get your first taste of programming Minecraft.

Turtle snowflakes

Turtle Snowflakes

Write code to draw snowflakes with Python Turtle.

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